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You are asked to write an advantages/disadvantages essay. This precisely means that you have to explain the advantages and disadvantages. Remember to jot down (write briefly) all the points (advantages & disadvantages) before you begin the essay. Introduction: Traditionally people ...

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the governments rather than private companies. Do you agree or disagree? Structure of the essay You were given an agree-disagree essay which means you had to pick a side. So, do ...

Task 2 Some people argue that it is the government’s responsibility to transport children to school, while others believe parents should do that. Discuss both views and give your opinion. Structure of the essay General Statement – Children’s transportation to ...

Describing Trends There are two main grammatical structures we can use to describe trends. This may come up in a line graph, bar chart or when comparing more than one chart. There + be + adj. + noun + in ...

Complex sentences Respectively 1. In 2018 the number of commuters visiting America from the New York and California reached 10 million and 7 million people, respectively. 2. Percent – Percentage Exact number – percent For example, 8 percent, 78 percent ...

Task 2 1.Make your introduction short. Cut your introduction into minimum and save time and space for body paragraphs. 2. Don’t use big words. Avoid sentence or words that are not related to the topic. For example, In this essay, ...

IELTS Reading Question Types Short Answer Questions Multiple Choice  Summary Completion Matching Sentence Endings  Sentence Completion  True, False, Not Given  Matching Headings Tips and Strategy Labelling a Diagram  Matching Information to Paragraphs 1. Short answer questions. Common Problems Synonyms and paraphrasing are ...

1. Over the moon – (Extremely pleased or happy) For example, Usually, I love to spend most of the time with my family and friends because whenever they stay around me, I always feel over the moon. 2. Once in ...