Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use Cue Card

Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use

1.When did you get it?

2.What did you get it for?

3.How often do you use it?

4.How do you feel about it?

vocabulary, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


a daunting task


grilled delicious


leading factor


hard nut to crack

glow of satisfaction

over the moon


In this contemporary era, new inventions are introduced by inventors on a daily basis. There is no doubt that technology has made our life so convenient and comfortable. Here I would like to describe a creation that I find difficult to use.

Last Diwali when there was a huge discount offer available everywhere, at that time decided to purchase a microwave. It was a daunting task for me to select a particular model of microwave. Finally, I bought a countertop microwave because it is easy to relocate (from one place to another place). At that time I was on cloud nine because I had never used it before.

To be very honest, I love cooking and this was the leading factor behind the purchase of a microwave.

I wanted to bake cakes and made grilled delicious(items/mouth-watering dishes) which was not possible with the help of a stove.

Firstly, I got puzzled and, I thought it was a hard nut to crack when I saw it as there were a number of buttons on it. Some of them were to control the temperature, while others were to set a timer. I read the user manual which helped me to use it. With the aid of that manual, I learned how to set the temperature for different dishes. Nowadays, I utilize it on a daily basis to heat my food and I also make food with its support of it.

I feel a glow of satisfaction as it makes my life convenient.


1.What technology products or technologies are used by people now?

 I opine that technology products have made life easier. Mostly, people use vacuum cleaners, automatic lights, computers, laptops, washing machines, cars, phones, and so on.

2.Why do large companies often produce new products?

 Business organizations often introduce new products in the market to upsurge sales (profit). They represent their items in such a way that lures the customers to purchase the item.

3.Why are people so enthusiastic about buying newer iPhone models, even when nothing much changes?

 Some person eager to purchase new iPhone models because they need new features which are added in new versions. Moreover, the improved quality of the camera also fascinates users to buy the latest model. While others purchase it to show their status in society.

4.What changes has the development in technology brought in our life?

 Advancement in technology has affected our lives in various ways. It makes our life convenient and easier on the one side, but on the other side leads some negative impacts. For instance, with the invention of smart phones we can contact with our near and dear ones but radiation of mobile phones are dangerous for human mind.

5.Has technology affected the way we study? How?

 There is no doubt that the way of study is almost entirely changed. Teachers and students seek the help of internet for study. Schools also use smart T.Vs and projectors to teach. apart from this , e-books (electronic versions of books) are become popular in this day and age.