Talk about a thing you complained something (but finally got a good result)

Talk about a thing you complained something (but finally got a good result)
Talk about a thing you complained something (but finally got a good result)

What did you complain about Who you complained to

When it happened

What was the result and why you were satisfied with the result?


Loopholes, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Foodie person



Daunting task

Not a piece of cake


Cloud nine



Well, I am the type of person who does not like to complain. But when something is done in a wrong way then I feel it is my obligation to complain about it so that loopholes can be corrected. Here I would like to talk about a time when I complained about the food.

Actually, I am a foodie person and like to  try mouth-watering dishes. Normally, I prefer to visit restaurants to have some cuisine. However, 2 months ago, it was raining heavily and I was unable to go outside. I was quite hungry at that time, so my brother suggested me to order food online. It was a daunting task for me to place an order as I had never tried it before.

I ordered pizza along with a burger from zomato application. They sent a message on my mobile phone that I would receive the order after 30 minutes. Waiting for 30 minutes was not a piece of cake for me because of my food cravings. When I got my order then found that the food was stale.  I immediately complained to customer care. I was on cloud nine they apologized for their mistake. After sometime, I was astonished to see the delivery in front of my house. I was over the moon when he told me that food company had not only provided my food at free of cost but also refunded the money of pervious order.

All in all, it was a quite worthy experience for me and I was satisfy with it.

 Part 3 Follow Up Questions.

1. When do people usually complain?

There are various circumstances when Individuals complain. The main reason for people complaining is when they have been cheated by someone. Furthermore, there are also many people who may complain without any valid reason, as they may have a complaining attitude.

2. Can complaining help solve problems?

Yes, there are many scenarios when complaining assists to address obstacles. For instance, when a product/appliance/gadget stops working or malfunctions, complaining to the customer support or service helps solve the problem.

3. What other measures you should take to solve problems rather than complain?

There are certain measures that can be taken before complaining. We can talk to the authorities and find out if it is a temporary problem or permanent issue. If they fail to address and resolve problems then complaints should be registered.

4. What kind of people usually complaint?

I think those people who have less patience, always complaint but there are some others situations also such as People who are aware of their rights and entitlements complain when they do not receive what they deserve or have been promised.

5. Do you usually get angry?

No, I don’t get angry easily. I am not that sort of person. But what makes me angry are lies and all that fakeness in a person and the wrong things people do.

6. Do you think customers’ complaints will improve product or services?

Absolutely yes complaints are like feedback from the users and if that is solved a product or service can be improved. If some department has issues and complaints are more from that area the management can really check and improve services.

7. Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?

Yes, it is necessary for companies to set up customer service. They have to listen to their customers. Positive feedbacks, as well as negative feedbacks are important for every company.

8. Are there any disadvantages to setting up customer service?

No, there are no disadvantages of setting up a customer service; they improve the brand value by satisfying customers.

9. Would you buy things in the shops in which you have made complaints before?

Yes, if my complaint is heard and solved, I definitely buy products. I believe mistakes can happen but if attention is given on the issue we should not make an image of a company or shop in mind.