17th April ielts exam Full Review

17th April ielts exam Review | 7 April 2021 ielts exam Review | Full Review

More and more people today are using computers and electronic devices to access information. Therefore there is no longer any need to print books, magazines or newspapers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, many a people rely on computers and gadgets for reading information. Thereby, many circles suggest that there is no need to print books, newspapers and magazines on paper. In my opinion, despite the advantage of e-reading, print materials cannot be fully replaced.

To begin with, the printed book has some significant benefits over digital version. First of all, it is easier to skim, to relate a point, and we comfortably go back and forth in. Most importantly, it is quite easier to underline important sentences or paragraphs and to take notes in the margins. In addition to this, reading digital version of books very often seems stressful and has some side effects on health. Which by consequence, people who are comfortable with electronic devices to read book prefer printed books for serious study. Take my experience as an example. When I engage in prolong reading on my laptop, I always feel headaches. This obviously demonstrates that printed books would be read by many people in coming future.

Similarly, despite the rise of reading on electronic devices, still majority portion of readers has a predilection for printed magazines and newspapers. A survey reveals that 80% of magazine readers still prefer to read articles via print. However, one might be able to look at a digital magazine on smart phone, but he cannot cut things out, colour in, and stick it to the wall. Even the tech-savvy generation loves to do these things. Actually, physical forms of written words always give a lucid and different exciting experience. So, the printed magazine or newspaper will not be expired due its own unique appeals.

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However, accessing information online provides us comfort as masses can use it at anyplace and anytime within few seconds. For instance, today with the help of search engine like Google, Bing and so on accessing information has become more convenient than the past. Individuals just need to enter a keyword in search box about one particular object and whole the information will be in the front of their eyes within seconds. I contend that printed books, newspapers and magazine will survive for its own right.

In conclusion, e-reading materials are used widely in people’s live, while it can never completely replace the printed material such as books and periodicals. They will still remain an integral part of our education system and for the news.