IELTS Listening Tips Multiple Choice

IELTS Listening MCQ Tips | IELTS Listening Tips Multiple Choice
IELTS Listening MCQ Tips | IELTS Listening Tips Multiple Choice

MCQ questions

Two types

choose two letters


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Part2 , part3

Part 2

Monologue- speech given by one person.

Options  –  either short or medium

Part 3

Dialogue  – 2 person

options are long, more difficult.

Choose two letters A-E

If options are short

Q. Which two hobbies was Thor Heyerdahl very interesting in as a youth?

A. Camping

B. Climbing

C. Collecting

D. Hunting

E. Reading

VICTOR:               Right, well, for our presentation shall I start with the early life of Thor Heyerdahl?

OLIVIA:                Sure. Why don’t you begin with describing the type of boy he was, especially his passion for collecting things.

VICTOR: That’s right, he had his own the little museum. And I think it’s unusual for children to develop their own values and not join in their parents’ hobbies; I’m thinking of how Heyerdahl wouldn’t go hunting with his dad, for example.

OLIVIA: Yeah, he preferred to learn about nature by listening to his mother read to him. And quite early on he knew he wanted to become an explorer when he grew up. That came from his camping trips he went on in Norway I think …

VICTOR:  No, it was climbing that he spent his time on as a young man.

long options

Choose two A-E

Find keywords

Cross out any incorrect options

Q Choose two letters

Which do the speakers say are the two reasons why Heyerdahl went to live on an island?

A. to examine ancient carvings.

B. to experience an isolated.

C. to formulate a new theory.

D. to learn survival skills.

E. to study the impact of an extreme environment.

IELTS Listening MCQ Tips | IELTS Listening Tips Multiple Choice

OLIVIA:   Oh, right … After university he married a classmate and together, they decided to experience living on a small island, to find out how harsh weather conditions shaped people’s lifestyles.

VICTOR: As part of their preparation before they left home, they learnt basic survival skills like building a shelter. I guess they needed that knowledge in order to live wild in a remote location with few inhabitants, cut of by the sea, which is what they were aiming to do.

OLIVIA:  An important part of your talk should be the radical theory Heyerdahl formed from examining mysterious ancient carvings that he happened to find on the island. I think you should finish with that.                          

VICTOR:               OK.