Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
When it was
Where you saw it
What you saw
And explain why you think it was interesting
Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more are giving people a chance to connect with each other across distances.
Last year I watched an interesting video on a social networking website by the name of Instagram. The video was about a balanced diet is “the key” to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
According to the presenter of the video, Having a balanced diet means eating a wide variety of foods in the right proportions, and consuming the right amount of food and drink to achieve and maintain healthy body weight.
I saw that he mainly focused on a healthy lifestyle. He said that a combination of a sober and prudent living style with the soundness of body and mind. Both physical and psychological well-being is important in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Moreover,
Obesity, for instance, is rare among people who have good eating habits.
In this video he showed that, Scientific research has proven that more than 30 percent of health-related complexities could be avoided by having a good eating habit. This was what made their video more fascinated to me.
At the end of the video, he explained the importance of life. He said that there is no doubt, The modern era is highly competitive and we are so busy these days than the past generations. However, this does not mean that we should not be aware of our health. We have got only one chance to live and some easy-to-follow rules like following a balanced diet, regular exercise, maintaining personal hygiene, etc. can make a huge difference. After watching this video I started regular exercise and I shared the link with my friends.

1. Why do people like to use social media?
As per my opinion, the primary reason why individuals use the services of social media is to remain in contact with their near and dear ones. The other prominent reason is to keep themselves updated with the current news and happenings across the globe. Apart from this, social media is a reliable medium to spend leisure time.
2. What kind of things are popular on social media?
Numerous things are famous on social media. However, the most prominent activity is to upload photographs and videos. Moreover, individuals update the current news and happenings they find worthwhile to share. These days, corporates too have realized the importance of using the services of social media. They advertise their products and services to improve brand awareness.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?
The primary plus point of utilizing the services of social media is that through it, it is comfortable to find information, give details, and converse. Moreover, it allows us to widen our friend circle and remain in touch with our near and dear ones in an easy manner. On the contrary, the major pitfall is that our privacy gets compromised, and we often get fake information.
4. What do you think about making friends on social networking sites?
Making friends through the medium of social media is not at all a worthwhile proposition because it’s extremely comfortable for individuals to create a fake identity on this platform.
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