Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school Cue Card

Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school Cue Card

What you made?

How you made it?

What it looked like?

And how felt about the activity?

School days were fun and I miss those days very much.  However, there was another thing, that I really liked about my elementary school, which was the periodic art and craft activities. Today, I would like to describe one such activity that I did as a young elementary school student. There was a school competition in my school and our teacher asked us to make thread painting during the weekend., pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Since I’d never made a thread painting before, I’d thought it would be a tough task. But it turned out that with the help of my mother, making a painting was actually just a piece of cake.

Well, to be frank, my memory fails me and I cannot recall the exact date when I attended the craft activity but I am sure it must be at the high school. I made a thread painting with the help of a needle and wool and it was on a cloth. I bought everything ready-made from the market. On the piece of cloth, I traced all the village scenes. On the one side, there was a well, ladies were getting water from it. On the other side, farmers were doing work in the field.

It seemed to be arduous work as it took 4 to 5 days to finish it but finally, it turned out to be quite rewarding. I got first prize and  Our hard work paid off. And my teacher was also very satisfied with my work and praised me. I felt that this kind of art and craft ideas encouraged me to use the imagination to create my own entertainment.

Describe an art or craft activity that you had at school Cue Card | 8 Band Sample


 1. What kinds of traditional handicrafts are there in your country?

India is a diverse country. There are many traditional products in India. We have earthen pots, ceramic pottery of Jaipur, puppets of Rajasthan, phulkari embroidery of Punjab, hand-knotted carpets of Srinagar, and many more.

2.What are the benefits of making handcrafts?

Arts and crafts usually require kids to use both hands in a certain manner, which can help them develop fine motor skills and bilateral coordination. Moreover, It makes them more creative and productive as well as helps them develop other skills.

3.  Why do some people think it is difficult to understand art?

Some people say so because art is interpreted differently by different people. Secondly, everyone has his or her own interests. Some may like classical music, whereas others may enjoy folk music. According to my opinion, different people have different interests so that’s why some masses don’t like art.

4. What can we do to make young people pay more attention to traditional art?

We can organize youth festivals on traditional art. When young people will compete in these, their interest will be aroused. In addition to this, teachers can also stimulate their interest by showing them such art through audio-visual aids.

5.Do you think it’s important to cultivate an appreciation of art in children?

Yes, Talking about art with children provides them with a forum for developing their literacy and communication skills. They develop their imagination and become more creative.

6.Do you think art should be included in school curriculums? Why?

All forms of art, including sketching or dancing, require and train the perseverance and focus of a child, making them absolutely essential in enhancing his or her cognitive development. Art and craft must be an integral part of a school’s ethos whereby a lot of topics and concepts are learned through art forms.