Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music cue card

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music Cue card | 8 band sample | May to august 2024

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music Cue card | 8 band sample | May to august 2024
Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music Cue card | 8 band sample | May to august 2024

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music | 8 band speaking
• Who this person is
• How you knew him/her
• What music he/she likes
• Why he/she thinks music is important
• And explain how you feel about him or her


1. Renowned- popular
2. Crucial – important
3. On cloud nine- very happy
4. Myriad – many
5. Enthusiast – full of energetic
6. Name and fame -reputation, recognition, or renown
7. Part and parcel – Important

Listening to music is an activity that not only reduces our stress but also makes our minds free from negative thoughts. Nowadays there are different kinds of music which renowned among distinct age groups. An excessive number of people are becoming music enthusiasts and also making their career in it as well. Here I get an opportunity to talk about one such kind of person who thinks music plays a crucial role in our life, and he is none other than Diljit Dosanjh. He is an eminent singer, not only in Punjab, but also all around the world, and millions of people like him due to his melodious voice, and also his overall personality.
In addition, if I talk about how I know him, I believe that in India, no person who does not knows about Diljit Dosanjh because he gets the name and fame all around the world only because of his talent. Everyone can see him in interviews on different platforms like YouTube, Instagram many more. I have been a big fan of this personality since my childhood, because of his songs. His preference regarding songs and music does not rely on a particular type as he sings and likes different kinds of music like classical music, hip-hop music, religious, traditional folk, and so on. He always tells in his interviews that music has various kinds of roles in the lives of individuals. For some people, it is an activity to reduce their stress and anxiety, and for others is a motivation.
Moreover, he says that through music, we can express our feelings in front of others and also it comes from our inner soul. I get a lot of knowledge of music by watching his interviews. Hence, he thinks that music plays a part and parcel role in everyone’s life because by listening to different kinds of music, we can make our mood better according to our choice, like by listening to classical music or traditional music, People can feel peace on the other hand if they listen, pop or rock music, it makes them more energetic.
My feelings regarding Diljit Dosanjh cannot be expressed in words because I always feel on cloud nine whenever I watch his latest interview and listen to his songs as I learn a lot of life lessons from his personality. Besides his singing talent, he’s a great actor. For this, he gets myriad awards for his singing and acting. instead of this, he always motivates young ones to do meditation and yoga to improve their concentration power. I learn a lot of things from him and I want to become like him in my life, so he’s a person who thinks music is really important for everyone and enjoys music.

1. What do you think about playing music for children in class?
I think playing music for children in class can be beneficial. It can make learning more enjoyable, help kids relax, and improve their focus. For example, soft background music can create a calm atmosphere during activities like reading or creative work.

2. Why do many teachers incorporate music into the classroom?
Many teachers incorporate music into the classroom because it makes learning more engaging, helps students relax, and can improve concentration. Music can also support memory and make lessons more enjoyable., pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

3. Do you think there are any advantages to a shop with music playing?
Yes, there are advantages to a shop with music playing. Music can create a pleasant atmosphere, make customers feel more relaxed, and encourage them to spend more time in the store, which can lead to increased sales.

4. Would people’s shopping behaviour be affected in a shop with music?
Yes, people’s shopping behaviour can be affected in a shop with music. Music can make shoppers feel more relaxed and comfortable, encouraging them to stay longer and possibly buy more items.

5. What do you think would be the effect of background music in a film?
Background music in a film enhances the emotional impact of scenes, sets the mood, and helps convey the story more effectively. It can create tension, joy, or sadness, making the viewer more engaged and connected to the film’s narrative. For instance, dramatic music can heighten tension during a suspenseful scene, while a cheerful tune can make a happy moment more enjoyable.

6. Why are musical movies so popular?
Musical movies are popular because they combine engaging stories with catchy songs and impressive performances, making them highly entertaining. The music adds an emotional layer, making scenes more memorable and enjoyable.

Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music (Youtube Video)