Describe a natural place New Cue Card

Describe a natural place

Describe a natural place
Describe a natural place
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Describe a natural place May to August 2024
Where this place is
How do you knew it
What it is like
Why you like to visit it

1. Renowned
2. Passenger of the same lane
3. Intensive
4. Rely
5. Lap of nature
6. Killing two birds with one stone
7. Miss the boat

India is renowned for its rich diversity there are a plethora of things such as beautiful lakes, places, parks, and historical buildings which are liked by most people and I am also a passenger of the same lane. Here, I would like to talk about a natural place that is none other than the river Ganga. This river is situated in Uttarakhand.
I vividly remember when I was in school, geography subject, I learned about it first time. But in Geography class, I learned only basic information about Indian rivers. I learned more about it with the help of mass media and electronic media as I grew up.
Honestly, I do not have intensive knowledge about the Ganga River, but still, I can say that I know quite a lot about it. It comes out of the Himalayas from glaciers and falls in the Bengal. I read it from the internet, it gets water from glaciers as well as from the rain during monsoon season. Even I do not know the exact length of it but, it is the longest river in India. Many people rely on it for their livelihood. Farmers use its water for agriculture and people also do fishing in this river.

Last year I got an opportunity to visit this place with my family and when I went there, its length impressed me a lot and I felt that I was in the lap of Mother Nature even I can say that this situation was killing two birds with one stone for me, as I not only spent of quality time in nature but also got information about the river. That is the main reason why I like this place.
All in all, if I get any opportunity to visit there again then I will never miss the boat.

1. What kind of people like to visit natural places?
People who appreciate the beauty and serenity of nature are often the ones who enjoy visiting natural places. They seek adventure, relaxation, and a connection with the outdoors.

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2. What are the differences between a natural place and a city?
Natural places typically offer vast landscapes, abundant wildlife, and fresh air, providing a sense of tranquility and escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. In contrast, cities are characterized by dense populations, urban infrastructure, and a fast-paced environment filled with cultural amenities and modern conveniences.

3. Do you think that going to the park is the only way to get close to nature?
No, going to the park is just one way to get close to nature. There are various other options like hiking trails, camping in the wilderness, visiting forests, or even just spending time in balcony surrounded by plants Because nature is all around us, and experiencing it can take many forms depending on personal preferences and accessibility.

4. What can people gain from going to natural places?
People can gain numerous benefits from visiting natural places, including relaxation, stress reduction, improved physical health through activities like hiking or swimming, mental rejuvenation, a deeper appreciation for the environment, and opportunities for adventure and exploration.

5.Are there any wild animals in the city?
While wild animals are indeed commonly associated with forests, it’s important to note that many urban areas also host various species. These can include birds, rodents, and sometimes even larger mammals like deer.

6. Do you think it is a good idea to let animals stay in local parks for people to see?

It depends. While allowing animals to stay in local parks can provide educational opportunities and foster appreciation for wildlife, it’s crucial to prioritize the animals’ welfare and ensure that their presence doesn’t disrupt their natural behaviors or habitats.

Describe a natural place (YouTube Video)