When was the last time you had a few days off? Having a day off is the thing which every working individual/student needs to relax their exhausted mind. I vividly remember that I had a few days off in the ...
Do you like rainy days? Without any second thought I can say yes, I love rainy days because when it rains I like the smell of wet soil as well as the sound of rain. 2. Does it rain much ...
When the festival occurs What you do or people do What you like or dislike about it Explain why this festival is important. Vocab Numerous Eves Enthusiasm Engage Adorn Veneration Victory Prosperity Immense Fascinating India is a land of festivals ...
Where is it When you went there With whom you went there And explain how you felt about there Vocab Bustling atmosphere Engage Ambiance Sense of excitement Aromas Immersed involve Exhilaration Paradise Dynamic indulge Crowded places often have a ...
What it is Where you would like to try it Whether it is easy or difficult And explain why you would like to try it? Vocab Renowned Marine life Unforgettable Captivating Majestic Profound Monotonous Serenity Waves Tranquility sandcastles To be ...
What was the decision When you made it How you made the decision Why was it important Vocab Sustainable changes Timeframe Tailored plan Crucial Eventually Piece of cake Lifelong wellness Well , every individual take minor decisions in his day ...
What that happy memory is? Who did what and why? Why do you remember it so fondly? Vocab Picturesque Chirping of birds Serene Pleasant Cozy Immersed Milestone Warmth of fire Well, childhood is the only age where a person enjoys ...
When and where did it happen How did you feel when you were lost How did you find your way out. Vocab Eidetic memory Perplexed Pins and needles nervous Scare Terrified Over the moon Tackles Serene Vividly Being a person ...
What is it Why do you think it is interesting How do you know it What necessary skills does it need. Vocab Engage Primary reason Fascinating Culinary skills Appealing Memorable Numerous Cuisines Excel proficient Several Collaboratively Delight People engage in ...
1.Which is your favorite day? Monday is the day which is my favorite one because I feel fresh and energetic as on the day before it /on sunday I relax my exhausted mind and body. 2.Which day is your least ...
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