IELTS Speaking Part-1 Topic Plants

IELTS Speaking Part-1 Topic :- Plants | May to august 2024

IELTS Speaking Part-1: Plants Topic (May to August 2024) + Q&A
IELTS Speaking Part-1: Plants Topic (May to August 2024) + Q&A
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IELTS Speaking Part-1 Topic :- Plants | May to august 2024
IELTS Speaking Part-1: Plants Topic (May to August 2024) + Q&A

1. Do you keep plants at home?
Yes, I do keep plants at home. I find that having plants around brings a sense of tranquility and freshness to my living space. I have a variety of plants, including some indoor ones like spider plants and peace lilies, which are easy to care for and thrive indoors. Additionally, I have a small herb garden where I grow basil, mint, and rosemary.

2. What plant did you grow when you were young?
When I was young, I grew a sunflower. It was exciting to see it grow tall and bloom with bright yellow petals. I also took care of a small tomato plant in our garden.

3. Do you know anything about growing a plant?
Yes, I know a bit about growing plants. For example, plants need sunlight, water, and good soil to thrive. I regularly water my basil plant and ensure it gets enough sunlight.

4. Do Indian people give plants as gifts?
Yes, giving plants as gifts is quite common in Indian culture. Plants like money plants, holy basil (tulsi), and bamboo are popular choices for various occasions such as housewarmings, weddings, and festivals. They are considered thoughtful gifts symbolizing prosperity, health, and good fortune.

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