when and where it was?
why you were not allowed to use your phone?
How you felt about it?
In this day and time life without smartphones is unimaginable as all are very much attached to their phones that these have become an extension of all. But, today, I would like to talk about a time when I was not allowed to use my mobile phone.
It was about a couple of years ago, It was a time when I went to give my competitive exam. Due to the traffic problem, I reached the center just on time and I went to the class directly and sat according to the roll no. Without reading instructions. When I reached there, the teacher had gone somewhere. She got back to the class after 5 min. With question papers.
she asked the class that isn’t there anyone who has a mobile? Suddenly after hearing this question, I told to the teacher that I have a mobile. The teacher became a little bit angry because taking off the mobile outside from the class was given in instruction paper. I felt ashamed and handed the mobile to the teacher.
I felt so odd to haven’t had my mobile with me. I became sad after knowing that I have to keep my mobile far from me till the exam ends which took a time of 3 hours. It was so difficult for me to spend this huge time without a mobile.
I completed my exam within 2 hours then I asked the teacher about my cell phone but she told me you will get your mobile phone after the exam. I needed my mobile because I wanted to tell the location of the exam center to my parents But the exam rules were so strict so I couldn’t do anything. These 3 hours seemed like more than a century for me. I spent 3 hours sadly and got my mobile. Then I called my parents and realize that living without a mobile phone does not remain possible nowadays.
So this was the situation when I was not allowed to use my cell phone.

1.What is the impact of cell phone?
Nowadays, the mobile phone plays a major role in our lives, which brings many benefits to us but also contains some drawbacks. Mobiles have drastically improved communication. Now we can connect to anyone around the world very easily and in just a few seconds. However on the other hand, with the increasing use of mobiles, people have become more digital and less social.
2.What is the smartphone used the most for?
The most common use of a smartphone is for messaging, and people do this for both business and leisure purposes. phone calls are not common these days, and instead, people tend to prefer sending messages to people. Of course, web browsing is another primary use of a modern-day smartphone and this can serve many purposes, such as online shopping, reading the news, looking up facts while having a conversation, and research for work or study.
3.What is your opinion about selfies?
I think selfies are among the greatest trends of our age. People today are not camera-shy, and with the debut of front-facing cameras on smartphones, they’re taking selfies for each event and at each place they visit.