Explain why you bought it? Why you selected this product? From where you purchased it? And explain why are you so happy about it? Just like every other people, I also have to buy things for myself and my family, ...

Who is the person How you know him/her And explain why you think this person is polite. In fact, I have met a number of polite persons in my life, and picking just one of them as the most polite ...

– When it was? – What you were doing? – What you did about it? – And how you felt about it? At present computer is one of the essential parts of our daily life. Many people of today’s society ...

Who is this person is How you know about this person What sort of life they had before they became famous How this person became famous And explain why you like this person. There are several personalities whom I admire ...

Where it is? What it is like? What do you do there? and explain why you enjoy spending time there. Well, there are a plethora of places in my city Chandigarh, where I love to pass my time. One such ...

What kind of weather it is When this weather usually occur What you usually do during this weather Explain how this weather affects you And explain why you like this type of weather. Weather is an important part of nature. ...

What it looked like?Where you saw it?What it likes to eat or do?Why you like it? Animals are the essential part of life chain without which human beings cannot survive. Being a nature lover, I like to visit zoos and ...

– What the game is about? – When you started playing it? – How often you play this game? – Why you enjoy playing it? Due to the advancement in technology, the popularity of PC or mobile games has been ...

When it was? Where you went? What happened during the trip? and explain how you felt about it. Well, I feel cycling is the best way to explore any place. It is eco-friendly and also helps maintaining fitness. Here, I ...

Who was the person When and where did you have the conversation What was the conversation about Well, conversation plays a very indispensable role in our life. We generally have formal or informal conversation. However some conversation are quite monotonous ...