When it was?
what you tried?
why it was not very successful?
And how you felt about it?
Participating in competitions is really wonderful. The enjoyment doubles if one can win in the competitions but sometimes failures are the way to get success in everyone’s life. Here I would like to talk about a time when I made many efforts to complete my task, but I failed.
I vividly remember this was the time when I was in 10th standard, and there was a science competition in my school and I got participated and I was so excited. My teachers and my parents had huge expectations from me.
I tried to make a handmade project I took so many things like a pan, a small quantity of rice, some spices, water, a card box, glass sheet. This competition time was 2 hours. First of all, I made a box with a glass sheet and I covered this box from all sides.
I opened the top of the box, so the rays of the sun can pass from all sides. In that box, I put a pan and kept rice. After that, I add the required species. It was a very natural process. Due to nervousness, I did a huge mistake at that time, I forgot to add water. When the processing time was completed, I opened the box and I saw all the rice was burnt and my all efforts gone waste. I was in great distress because I did a lot of practice for this project.
I was quite embarrassed just because of my one mistake, I lose the competition and could not meet the expectations of my teachers and parents as it was a complete failure. All in all, it was an awful experience.