Speaking Part 1 questions answer | Work or Study

First set of questions, ask to all students.

Part 1 speaking questions

Topic 1. First set of questions, ask to all students.

Q1 May I know your full name?

My full name is Rupinder Kaur.


google.com, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

My first name is Rupinder and my family name is Chahal and Please just call me Rupinder.

2. How may I address you?


How may I call you?

You may address me as Rupinder.

3.May I see your Id?

Of course, here you go.

4. Where do you come from?

I hail from northern part of India.

TOPIC 2. Work or Study

1. What work do you do?

I graduated a few years ago and I’m now in full-time employment. I’m currently an English teacher working for the institute or company name.

2. Why did you choose that job?

I was previously a lawyer and found it to be really stressful and never had any free time, so after quitting that job I thought teaching might be the complete opposite of being a lawyer, you know not as stressful and more time off.

3.Do you enjoy your job?

Most of the time. It’s very rewarding to be able to help people every day and the students here are very hardworking and fun to teach, but you sometimes have lessons that do go so well and the money could always be better.

4.Would you like to change your job in the future?

Yes, as I said before, I like working by myself, so I would like to be my own boss. I’m currently developing my own website, so if it’s successful I will leave teaching and work on it full time. This will also give me more time to work on other projects.

5. Do you miss being a student?

I graduated almost five years ago. When I did graduate, I was so glad knowing I am done with home works, projects, quizzes, etc., but then now I realized I badly miss school days. Whenever I see students, I miss almost everything in college; my uniform, my friends and even my teachers.


1. What do you study?

I study accounts because it’s a really well thought of degree and I’m hoping to pursue it as a career in the future.

2.Why did you choose to study that major?

There are many reasons for my choice. Primarily, I have an interest in Accountancy. Another reason could be because of Accountancy itself since I’ve found that my personality has changed positively. I’ve become more patient and skillful.

3.What’s the most difficult part of your study?

Well, for the most part, I’d say it’s the workload. I mean there are so many assignments, and students are always under a lot of pressure to meet deadlines. But on the other hand, exams are a piece of cake.

4.Why did you choose this subject?

Well, my parents are both accountants, so I guess you could say I’m following in their footsteps. To be honest, I wanted to study graphic design, but my parents wouldn’t let me because they thought it would be too hard to find a well-paying job.

5. Are you looking forward to working?

Absolutely! I cannot wait to put into practice what I’ve been learning for years now. I’m eager to looking forward a lucrative job.

6. Do you prefer to study in mornings or afternoons?

According to me, Study in the morning will always be beneficial as I wake up fresh after a good sleep and thus it helps me to retain the content faster. Plus, in the morning the nature is awake and there is a general silence everywhere which helps me to concentrate better!