Laughing in IELTS Speaking Part 1

Laughing in IELTS Speaking Part 1

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IELTS Speaking,test anxiety,English conversation,IELTS preparation,English speaking,IELTS exam,speaking test,study tips,test preparation,IELTS Speaking Part 1,language learning,IELTS tips,IELTS practice,speaking fluency,English language test,IELTS band score,improve speaking skills,speaking confidence

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Laughing | September to December 2024

1. When was the last time you laughed?
I think laughing is the best exercise for staying healthy. The last time I laughed was when I met my closest friend after many years. We recalled funny moments from our school days and laughed a lot.

2. Do you always laugh at funny things?
Indeed, I always laugh whenever there’s a humorous moment. It’s really hard for me to control my laughter in front of others.

3. Are you a person who often makes others laugh?
Yes, I can make others laugh because I have a good sense of humor. I always try to keep my surroundings comfortable and filled with happiness. No one ever feels bored while spending time with me.

4.- Do you think you are a funny person?
As I mentioned earlier, I always try to make others laugh by cracking jokes, which is one of the best things about me. I prefer to create a fun environment., pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

5.Do you enjoy watching interesting and funny movies?
Definitely! Comedy and funny programs are my first choice whenever I have free time. They help unwind my exhausted mind after working or studying for long periods.