IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Favorite Day

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic Favorite day

1.Which is your favorite day?

Monday is the day which is my favorite one because I feel fresh and energetic as on the day before it /on sunday I relax my exhausted mind and body.

2.Which day is your least favorite day?

Being a workaholic person I don’t like to sit free that’s why I hate Sunday. The whole day seems boring to me as  I don’t have any work to do on this day.

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Being a study lover I don’t like to stay at home as I spend most of my time in my educational institution that’s why I hate Sunday. The whole day seems boring to me .

3.How do you usually spend your time?

If I talk about my routine activity, I utilize my majority of time in studies at my educational institution/at my workplace. After returning to my home, I always try to give some quality of time to my family also.