1-Associated- connected
3-present- available
4-different- varying
5-underestimated-not clear, misjudged , miscalculated
6-Revival- return ,come back.
7-Barriers-obstacles,hurdles , complications.
8-Deny- refuse, reject.
9 Research- study
10-Aspiring- desire
11-Not proposal-not appealing, not recommended.
12-Inspire- motivate, encourage
13-Give up-stop trying.
15-Leading role-star part, prime role, main role.
17-Britain-UK, England
18-Failed- not successful, not achievable.
19-Los Angeles- LA
20-Breakthrough- an important achievement
21 Achievement -victory , triumph, great success.
22-Future- later life, in the long run.
23- Favour- support
25-Priority-most important consideration, prime factor
26. Colonised all continents – existed all over the world
27. wiped out – destroy/destruction
28. Unable to classify – failed to interpret
29. Specimens – evidence
30. Over – more than
IELTS Reading Video Class
IELTS Reading Mastery: Enhancing Skills Through Synonym Exploration

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