IELTS Listening Practice Test 14 With Answers

Actual exam Listening

IELTS Listening Actual Test

Section 1

Questions 1-10

Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Enquiry about joining Youth Council

Name: Roger Brown
Age: 18

Currently staying in a 1…………..  during the week
Postal address: 2…………… 17,  Street, Stamford, Lincs
Postcode: 3…………………. 
Occupation: student and part-time job as a 4…………….. 
Studying 5…………..  (major subject) and history (minor subject)
Hobbies: does a lot of 6……………..  , and have interested in the 7…………. 
On Youth Council, wants to work with young people who are 8…………… 
Will come to talk to the Elections Officer next Monday at 9………………..  pm
Mobile number: 10……………………… 

Section 2

IELTS Listening Practice Test 14 With Answers

Questions 11, 12

Choose TWO letters, A – E.
Which TWO changes have been made so far during the refurbishment of the theatre?, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

 A Some rooms now have a different use.
 B A different type of seating has been installed.
 C An elevator has been installed.
 D The outside of the building has been repaired.
 E Extra seats have been added.

Questions 13, 14

Choose TWO letters, A – E
Which TWO facilities does the theatre currently offer to the public?

 A rooms for hire
 B backstage tours
 C hire of costumes
 D a bookshop
 E a cafe

Questions 15, 16

Choose TWO letters, A – E.
Which TWO workshops does the theatre currently offer?

 A sound
 B acting
 C making puppets
 D make-up
 E lighting

Questions 17-20

Label the plan below.
Write the correct letter, A – G, next to Questions 17-20

17 box office…………… 
18 theatre manager’s office………………….. 
19 lighting box â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦
20 artistic director’s office â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦..

Section 3

IELTS Listening Practice Test 14 With Answers

Questions 21-24

Which FOUR features below are mentioned by the woman as characteristic of pu-erh tea?
Choose FOUR letters: A-H.

 A Pu-erh is a dark tea
 B The tea leaves are picked and sorted by machines
 C It comes from a region of southern China called Yunnan
 D It undergoes a period of aging in the open air
 E It is a white tea
 F Pu-erh tea is expensive
 G The taste is very bitter
 H The tea is sold in tea bags

Questions 25, 26

Choose the correct answer: A, B or C.

25 What is the likely job of the man?
A A journalist
B A tea farmer
C An artist

26 Why does the woman dislike teabags?
A She is allergic to them
B They smell strange
C Because the tea is trapped and cannot move freely

Questions 27-30

Complete the sentences below.
Write ONE WORD for each answer.

27 Tea must be brewed in the………………..  way to fully experience it.
28 The effect of…………….. on the taste of pu-erh is similar to that of wine.
29 Pu-erh tea leaves are gathered into big piles by the……………….. .
30 Tea meditation involves focusing on two things:……………….. and body.

Section 4

IELTS Listening Practice Test 14 With Answers

Questions 31-36

Complete the flow-chart below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.William the Conqueror defeated the 31…………..  army in 1066The words beef, hour, fruit and 32………………. all entered the English language from French.Gothic 33………………  architecture also arrived in England from France.Construction of Wells Cathedral started in 34………….. .it was 35………………  in 1490.Wells Cathedral is one of twenty-six cathedrals in England. This 36…………….  is called
the medieval cathedrals of England.

Questions 37-40

Complete the table below.

Architectural InformationDesign Notes
Cathedral nameWellsThe cathedral’s lancet windows have no tracery.
Construction began1175West front of the cathedral is celebrated for its life-sized 39
Construction completed1490
Nave height20 metresIn the past the sculptures and decorative carvings would have been 40…………….  and gilded.
Length38 â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦.
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