Listening (AC & GT)
Part 1 Fill-ups (easy)
Part 2 Map, Multiple choice questions
Part 3 Large multiple choice questions (easy to moderate)
Part 4 One word fill-ups
overall (easy to moderate)
Reading academic
passage 1 Fill-ups, list of headings (easy to moderate)
passage 2 paragraph matching, T/F/NG (Moderate)
passage 3 summary completion, multiple choice, match the information (Moderate)
overall moderate
GT reading

passage 1 T/F/NG, Fill-ups (easy)
Passage 2 Short question answer, multiple choice (easy to moderate)
passage 3 Sentence completion, Yes/no/not given, List of headings
overall (easy to moderate)
AC Writing
task 1 Table, bar, pie, map
GT task 1
Formal letter
Task 2 Education, health, crime, society, technology
Discuss both views, Advantages / disadvantages
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