Describe someone you know who often helps others Cue Card

Describe someone you know who often helps others

What he/she is like

How he/she helps others

Why his or her help is beneficial

Explain why he/she helps others

Vocab, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Slum areas


Glow of satisfaction




Well , Helping others is quite a good habit. One can get pleasure from helping others. Individuals who help others , always get God ‘s grace . There are many ways to help others . For instance, one can help others by giving food if the help seeker is hungry. Moreover , for helping a poor person, finance aid can be provided .

I know a number of people who contribute to society such as Anmol Kawatra ,  Sonu Sood but here , I would like to talk about a person who helps  others in many ways .

He is none other than my best friend / neighbour / classmate . His name is ____ .  He is a social worker . He is just 25 years old and started helping others from is eighteenth birthday. He is a law graduate and practicing in the honourable Supreme Court of India.

He helps others in various ways .  Firstly, he provides free Legal Aid to poor people to provide them justice . Secondly , he has his own NGO named “Roti Bank ” which gives feeds poor people on daily basis. Nextly , he also teaches to the children who belongs to slum areas and not able to avail knowledge.  He also provide them free stationary along with free education.

His charity is worthwhile. He helps to other people to get a glow of satisfaction . Apart from this , he gets happiness by aiding others  because a lot of people are  benefited from it .

Follow ups

  1. Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?

 I do not think so. The reason behind it is that nowadays people become money minded. Nextly,  in this day and age , especially in cities, there are some people who cheat people in the name of asking for help . Consequently , individuals feel hesitate to help others.

2) who should teach children to help others, parents or teachers?

 I think , it is the responsibility of both parents as well as teachers . As it is said that parents are the first teachers of their children.  Moreover , parents are role model for their kids . They learn from parents by imitation. Teachers can teach by setting examples.

3. ) In what kind of professions do people help others more?

 There are many different careers that involve helping others, within fields like healthcare, public safety, human services . On the flip side , scientists and Engineers do not provide much help to masses .

4.) why are some people willing to help others?

I consider that one feels happiness , satisfaction by helping. Apart from this, some people feel reduction in stress after helping and eliminate their worries. So , these are the reasons behind helping others.