1. Menace – threat, danger, peril For example, Today, air pollution has become one of the gravest menaces for mankind. 2. Leaps and bounds – fast progress Technology is flourishing leaps and bounds and undoubtedly this advancement is taking a ...
SECTION 1 Questions 1 – 4 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer. JOB HUNGTING Company’s name Job details ReferenceNumber Contact ExamplePOWER(manufacturingcompany) • work in a 1……….. section SW35FT Jane 2……… COTTON(grocery company) • good pay• work – in 3……….. ...
who this person is? how you know this person? what kind of things you like to do together? explain how you feel about this person/why you admire him/her? I’m going to talk about a person that I really look up ...
How you got it (or, who, bought it)?What you use it for?How often you use it?And explain why you think this thing is useful? In these modern days and ages, electronic equipment is a necessity of life since they help ...
Some people think that it is necessary to use animals for test medicines or other products intended for human use. Others, however, criticise this as animal cruelty. Discuss both of these views’ cruelty. Discuss both views and give your own ...
When it was? what you tried? why it was not very successful? And how you felt about it? Participating in competitions is really wonderful. The enjoyment doubles if one can win in the competitions but sometimes failures are the way ...
what it is? when and where you do it? who you do it with? And how you feel about it? Health is wealth is a famous proverb that says that health is more precious than money. It is always good ...
1. Describe an activity that you do after school/work. 2.Describe a time when you tried to doo something but were not very successful. 3.Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home. 4.Describe someone older than you whom ...
1.Must read instructions. 2. passage 1 – spend 15 minutes passage 2- spend 20 minutes passage 3 – spend 25 minutes 3.Don’t spend too much time on any single question. 4. You don’t have extra time to transfer ...
1. A couple of – several 2. Lots of / a lot of – Many, much 3. Kids – Children 5.You, your – one for example- you can clearly see the results (wrong) one can clearly see the results. 6. ...
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