Describe a time when you needed to use your imagination

Ielts Latest Cue Cards | 8 Band Sample

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I would like to talk about the time I had to get out of my comfort zone to join an essay writing  Contest which made me think out of the box and work flat out to get first position in this essay competition. This annual contest open to all students.

When it was
When you needed to use imagination
How difficult or easy it was
And explain how you felt about it ?

It was roughly two years ago when the quote by the greatest scientist Albert Einstein –  “Imagination is more important than knowledge”, was proven correct once again in my life. Each year this contest draws the attention of numerous students so it’s really competitive and challenging for me because we had to write 300 words in 20 minutes with exact format and also focused on spellings. There was a strict guideline from the instructor if students do mistake in spellings then they will lose their marks in writing test.

Therefore, it really required creativity and imagination from each student. I had to buckle down and brainstorm ideas for the challenge .I was silent for around 2-3 minutes  and noticed that everyone was writing their task. And that made the whole situation more challenging for me. I took another 2 minutes and then start writing with outstanding vocab. This all happened in the blink of an eye, after that result was announced and I got first prize from the chief guest. My joy knew no bounds. After all, I can take pride in myself for all the thing I achieved with my imagination and creativity.

Follow ups

1.Do you think adults can have lot of imagination?

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According to my perception, Both adults and children have a very powerful imagination. I don’t think imagination depends upon age. Most children have a wide imagination because they hear stories, which their parents or grandparents read out to them. They also read story books. This stimulates their imagination center of the brain. 

2. What kind of books can boost people’s imagination?

All sorts of books can boost people’s imagination. When we read books, we imagine the characters in our mind. So, all types of books force us to imagine the scenario or the characters. This is the main difference between reading a book and watching TV. Reading is an active activity, where as watching TV is a passive activity.

3.What kind of jobs need imagination?

All jobs require imagination Such as fashion designer, they use their imagination and creativity to envision unique designs for various clothing and accessories. Fashion Designers have a responsibility to choose a perfect theme for their collections and select the materials and fabrics for their pieces. They can produce their designs and may sell to customers or display them on the runway in fashion shows. 

4. Do you think imagination is necessary for scientists?

Imagination is the driving force which inspires scientists and this, in turn, motivates them to try out new kinds stuff no one has tried before for. it is also relevant in improving inventions that may require changes to make them efficient, more reliable and more friendly.