IELTS Listening Practice Test 27 With Answers

Actual exam Listening

IELTS Listening Actual Test

You will hear a tourist talking to a London Tour Company in order to organise a tour of the popular sights of London.

Questions 1 – 5

For each Answer write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND / OR A NUMBER.

Customer Details: They will be coming to London on (1)………….

He’s going with his sister and his (2)……….. Tour Details: Bus Tour The cost is (3) Â£ â€¦â€¦â€¦.for adults and (4) Â£ â€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦for children

Tours start at 7am and finish at (5)…………
Questions 6-8

Choose TWO letters A-G.

6-8. Which three places does the tourist decide he’s likely to see?

A. Buckingham Palace, pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

B. Big Ben

C. Harrods

D. Houses of Parliament

E. Hyde Park

F. St Paul’s Cathedral

G. London Eye

Questions 9-10

IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test 27 With Answers

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

9. How will the tourist buy the tickets?

A. By phone

B. Online

C. On the bus

10. How long before he leaves should he buy his tickets?

A. 1 week

B. 6 weeks

C. 3 months


You will hear Dan Saunders, a wildlife expert, giving a talk about Pandas.

Questions 11-12

IELTS Academic Listening Practice Test 27 With Answers

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

11. Each day, pandas need to eat:

A. Very little nutrition

B. 12-38 kg of bamboo

C. 330 pounds of bamboo

12. If pandas are cared for away from the wild, they can live for approximately:

A. 6 months

B. 14-20 years

C. 30 years

Questions 13-14

Choose TWO letters A-E.

Select two things that are endangering pandas:

A. Public awareness

B. Ecotourism

C. Poaching

D. Other wildlife

E. Building of roads and railroads

Questions 15-16


15. What proportion of the panda population in China is protected by reserves?

16. What did the WWF create which encouraged people to support pandas?

Questions 17 – 20

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Reasons that pandas may not be worth saving:

They are extremely (17)………….. to look after

They have a diet that is not (18)…………. They get sick easily and are hard to breed

Reasons that pandas should not be allowed to die out:

They are in danger because (19)………… are damaging the forests We should protect their homes because other animals live there

The number of pandas in the wild is (20)……….. so they will not become extinct

You will hear a university tutor talking to two students about problems they are having with a business studies project.

Questions 21 – 22

Academic Listening Practice Test 5

Choose the correct letter A, B or C.

21 What is the problem that the students are having with the project?

A. The readings are too difficult

B. The readings are not interesting

C. The project is taking too long

22 When can extensions be granted?

A. Problems with planning

B. Illness or accidents

C. Scheduling issues

Questions 23-27

What main problem do the students suggest each company has. Match the company to the problem. The first has been done for you.

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A–G next to questions 23–27.

A knowledge about their customers B long-term gain C competition D customer satisfaction E employees F external factors
Example E. Stacks Stationary

23.  Princeton Windows

24.  MK Cars

25. Lakeside Golf

26. Bryson’s Meats

27. Mojo’s Music Shop

Questions 28-30

Which opinion does each person express about Mojo’s Music?

Choose your answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.

A It has good managers B It has been operating for too long C There aren’t enough music shops D It needs more innovative marketing E It will close down in the end F It has a good long-term future

28.  Sarah

29. John

30.  Neil


Questions 31-40

Academic Listening Practice Test 27

Complete the notes below


Behaviour of Dolphins

– almost 40 species of dolphin
– found (31)……………
– usually in shallower seas
– carnivores


– very sociable and live in pods
– super-pods may have more than (32)……….. dolphins
– have strong social bonds
– help other animals
– Moko helped a whale and calf escape from (33)………..
– have been known to assist swimmers


– discovered in May 2005 that young bottlenose dolphins learn to
– dolphins pass knowledge from mothers to daughters, whereas primates pass to (35)…………..  


– dolphins may be aggressive towards each other
-Like humans, this is due to disagreements over (36)………. and competition for females
– Infanticide sometimes occurs and the killing of porpoises


– dolphins have a variety of feeding methods, some of which are (37)………… to one population
– Methods include:
herdingcoralling(38)…………. or strand feedingwhacking fish with their flukes


– have a variety of playful activities
– common behaviour with an object or small animal include: carrying it alongpassing it along(39)………… away from another dolphinthrowing it out the water
– may harass other animals
– playful behaviour may include other (40)………… such as humans
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