IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 With Answers

Actual exam Listening

IELTS Listening Actual Test

IELTS Listening Section 1

Questions 1-5

Complete the notes below.

Transport from Bayswater

Destination: Harbour City

  • Express train leaves at 1…………..
  • The nearest station is 2……………..
  • Number 706 bus goes to 3……………
  • Number 4……………  bus goes to the station
  • Earlier bus leaves at 5……………
Questions 6–10

IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 With Answers

Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

TransportCash fareCard fare
Bus6 $……………..$1.50
Train (peak)$10$10
– before 5 pm or after 7……………. pm
$108 $…………….
9…………….  ferry$4.50
Tourist ferry (10……………. )$35
Tourist ferry (whole day)$65

IELTS Listening Section 2

Questions 11 – 14

Which counselor should you see?
Write the correct letter, AB or C, next to questions 11–14., pub-2957932811648996, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

A Louise Bagshaw
B Tony Denby
C Naomi Flynn

11 If you do not have an appointment
12 If it is your first time seeing a counselor 
13 If your concerns are related to anxiety 
14 If you are unable to see a counsellor during normal office hours 

Questions 15 – 20

IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 With Answers

Complete the table below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

WorkshopContentTarget group
Adjustingwhat you need to succeed
15……………….  students
Getting Organiseduse time effectively, find 16……………………..  between
study and leisure
all students
Communicatingtalking with staff,
communicating across cultures
all students, especially 17……………….
Anxiety18……………. , breathing techniques, meditation, etc.students about to sit exams
19……………….staying on track for long periods20………………  students only

IELTS Listening Section 3

Questions 21-24

Label the chart below.
Choose your answers from the box below and write the correct letters in boxes 21-24 on your answer sheet

A relationship/marriage
B emancipation
C need for freedom
D studies
E conflict with parents
F pressure from parents
G new job
H need for space and privacy
I abuse

Questions 25-29

IELTS Listening Practice Test 29 With Answers

Which student will present which information?
A Melanie
B Chris
C Both

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, in boxes 26-29 on your answer sheet.
25 the 18-20 group ABC
26 the 20-24 group ABC
27 the under-18 group ABC
28 the 25 and over group ABC
29 the group that still live with parents ABC

Question 30

Which graph shows what problems people who moved out of their parents’ house faced in their first few months living alone?

IELTS Listening Section 4

Questions 31-33

What are the THREE WAYS in which turbellaria differ from other flatworms, according to Dr Baker?

 A they are not parasitic
 B 80% of their nutrition comes from platyhelminths
 C they have a simpler structure
 D they’re less intelligent
 E they have eyes
 F their sensory system is more elaborate
 G their sensory organs are chemical

Questions 34-38

IELTS Listening Practice Test 4 With Answers

Complete the sentences below.

34 Turbellaria are able to  thanks to the structure of their bodies.
35 Any part of a turbellarian’s body that isn’t occupied by organs is filled with a .
36 While turbellaria are hermaphrodites, they don’t .
37 Most turbellaria’s natural habitat is .
38 Turbellaria expel all undigested food from their .

Questions 39, 40

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

39 Fission is the ability of
A two worms to grow out of one if you split it in the middle.
B flatworms to procreate by breaking into smaller flatworms.
C flatworms to regenerate organs they’ve lost.

40 Fission in flatworms is an important phenomenon for scientists because
A it might help them find a way to do the same to human cells.
B it has been found to put a break on the human aging process.
C it technically means that flatworms can live forever.

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